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Bitcoin is the best-known and oldest independent digital means of payment that is created (mining) electronically. Bitcoins are not physically printed, they are created by many users worldwide using computers and stored in a digital wallet.

Difference Bitcoin to Normal Money

Cryptographic currencies[1] enable digital payment transactions without central administration. An elementary difference between cryptocurrencies and normal money is that individual groups such as banks or governments are not alone able to accelerate or manipulate the production of currency units. This virtually eliminates inflation. Another important difference is the development process of the cryptocurrencies.

Since the cryptographic currencies only exist digitally and are not printed compared to normal money, the process of creation is different. It's called mining.

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is a newer cryptocurrency and, together with Bitcoin[2], is one of the three most valued and highest market capitalization currencies. As of May 2017 8 billion. The currency unit of Ethereum is Ether. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum is based on the blockchain technique.

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that executes intelligent contracts: Exactly these are different applications that are executed exactly as they are programmed, without downtime, censorship, fraud or interference from third parties. The applications run on a custom blockchain, a powerful shared and global network infrastructure.

At the end of November 2017, market capitalization is over USD 43 billion and the price is USD 450.

Buying Ethereum mining investment

Compared to bitcoin, ethereum is not a pure cryptocurrency, but a platform for certain applications consisting of smart contracts. Ethereum's goal is the decentralization of data using Bitcoin Blockchain technology. Ethereum transactions can include complete programs that run decentrally.

How does Ethereum work

Ethereum decentralizes data. Imagine sending a message to one of your friends via WhatsApp. The message is sent from your mobile phone to WhatsApp's central server and then forwarded to your friend's mobile phone. Risk thereby, the server of WhatsApp is broken or would like to read someone there so your message would not be safe. That would be a central network.

When sending messages on the Ethereum[3] principle, i. e. with a decentralized network, it would look like this. You send me a message. The message is split into small pieces and sent to a worldwide distributed network of individual computers. No one has access to the complete message but receives only a minimal fraction of it.

The message is then reassembled and received on the recipient's mobile phone. Each of the participating computers receives a small reward in the form of the "Ether" currency for its service or for providing computing power.

What is so special about Ethereum?

Companies such as Porsche, IBM, Bosch and Cisco are already working on their own Ethereum-based blockchain projects. The UN has also already used the Ethereum blockchain to issue food stamps in refugee camps. Ethereum offers an enormous potential to significantly simplify processes, make them more efficient and automate them. This can change, revolutionize or even destroy entire industries. In contrast to Bitcoin as a pure digital means of payment, Ethereum has been very popular in the industry.

Meanwhile there is an Ethereum Alliance. The Ethereum Alliance[4] is a global association of companies, industry experts and scientists committed to the further development and dissemination of Ethereum. Among other things, this alliance also supports other Ethereum-based projects and accompanies companies.

The more the demand increases there, the more Ether will be worthwhile. In contrast to Bitcoin, Ethereum is currently still very cheap